Life at the farm "Promise Land"

Living at the Farm "Promise Land" We are amazed of the many blessings we are receiving from our loving Lord Jesus! He is our faithful provider.

Recibiendo las bendiciones de nuestro Señor Jesus! Las maravillas que hace atravez de todo el esfuerzo de nuestros jovenes. Joel Dios esta bendiciendo el fruto de tus manos! To God be the Glory! A Dios sea la Gloria!

Celebrating Mother's Day

Celebrating mothers' day, what a blessing to share with mothers and children.

Celebrando el dia de las madres, que bendición el poder compartir con las madres y niños.

GROWING dairy goats

What a blessing ... we continue with firm steps growing dairy goats. Of the Zaanen race.

Que bendicion.. seguimos con pasos firmes creciendo cabras lecheras. De la raza Zaanen.

Reinita is now studying at the IBRP

I am very happy to announce😮 that Reinita is now studying at the IBRP The Bible Institute Rios de la Plata in Argentina.👏👏👏 It is one of the most recognized Bible Schools in South America.
I have seen all the miracles God did for this precious girl. She started at Love in Action💞 feeding center in Cerro Verde, Nicaragua. She was only five years old and through the years she never left the program. It was not easy but she finished her high school with high honors. Very precious girl. I love and will continue to love and support her. Please pray 🙏for her because she is very far from home. Te amamos mucho Reinita!!! 🤗estamos orando por ti!🙏

Reinita 2019.jpg


So grateful to our amazing God and I am so proud of Joel.👏 He is like a son to me. I have seen him grow since he was 7 years old. I have seen him work hard, and has study with dedication and determination to finish his career. I am so proud of this young man who loves God with all his heart and is determined to follow Jesus. He is doing an incredible job as a leader at "Promise Land School" We love you Joel!🤗
I pray God continues to lead you and guide you. Continue to be a godly man of God, strong, wise, determined, dedicated, strong and brave. I know God is raising a Joshua in Nicaragua.☺️


Trip To Rancho Grande

Dear Friends,

Our God is awesome in word and deed!
My trip to Nicaragua was incredible. I have seen and felt the love of God. His amazing provision has touched all our hearts. Please continue to pray for the people of God in Nicaragua. Many people are with out a job. They are going through many hardships and difficulties. Once again on December 1st, we filled the bus with food, medicines and supplies for the school and the farm. We also had the sandals and back packs for Christmas.

Not one time the police checked the bus! God had his guarding angels protecting us.

I was so happy to be on the bus and deliver the goods personally!

Thank you so much for your continues love and support!

God Bless you!



Dios TODO PODERORSO te clamo y te pido en oración y ruegos por los jóvenes y niños en Rancho Grande para que ellos busquen tu rostro Señor omnipotente. Despierta en ellos el hambre y sed de buscar tu presencia. Para que ellos se entreguen a tu voluntad de todo corazon. Espiritu Santo, derrama tu fuego. Llena cada corazón. 

Sigamos orando, por que no tenemos pastor y siento en mi corazón que la necesidad es urgente. Por favor sigan orando conmigo.

God, ALL POWERFUL, I cry out to you and I ask you in prayer for the young people and children in Rancho Grande so that they may seek your face, omnipotent Lord. Awaken in them the hunger and thirst to seek your presence. So that they surrender to your will with all their heart. Holy Spirit, pour out your fire. Fill each heart.

Let us keep praying, because we do not have a pastor and I feel in my heart that the need is urgent. Please keep praying with me.


Praise Report

Dear friends,

Bob and I came back from Nicaragua this past Sunday. I pray this report touches your heart.

Miracle after miracle we saw the hand of God move with favor in our behalf.  For four days we went about buying food, medicines and supplies for the feeding centers, the clinic and the school. They're going to have food for over four months.

We will be feeding the elderly also. With many concerns due to the perilous situation in the country we prayed and cry out to God to surround the bus with His guardian angels. We used the bus to make it less obvious we were taking huge amounts of goods. There's much robbery going on. Yet Five hours later the happy voice over the phone told me they were home! 

I was so happy and my heart filled with relief jumped with joy! 

God provided over $10,000 for me to take down. It was an incredible blessing. Please continue to pray for Nicaragua. It is now a suffering nation.

Thank you with all my heart for your love, prayers and faithful support!

Sending you hugs,


visiting homes and praying with families

Nuestro país enfrenta una situación muy critica donde muchas familias están sufriendo dentro de estas los mas pequeños los niños . La situación económica del país a decaído, no hay empleó, y muchos no tienen y para el sustento del día.. Cuando tenemos todo y estamos bien olvidamos aquellos que realmente están sufriendo.. Como iglesia camino de santidad estuvimos visitando casa para orar por las familias y llevar una pequeña ayuda y nos dimos cuenta que la realidad de estas personas es la mas critica.. Pero cada día esperamos en Dios y el cambiara...agradecemos al pastor Jose Bello y su equipo por apoyarnos, a los jóvenes de camino de santidad por su disposición.. Y al ministerio amor en acción por proveer para dar a las familias... Debemos recordar lo que la palabra de Dios nos enseña

Santiago 1:27
"Creer en Dios el Padre es agradarlo y hacer el bien, ayudar a las viudas y a los huérfanos cuando sufren, y no dejarse vencer por la maldad del mundo." Sigamos orando por nuestro país.


Our country faces a very critical situation where many families are suffering, within these the smallest children. The economic situation of the country has fallen, there are no work, and many do not have the sustenance for the day .. When we have everything and we are well we forget those who are really suffering .. As a path to holiness church we visited houses to pray for the families and take a little help and we realized that the reality of these people is critical .. But every day we wait in God and He will bring change ... we thank pastor Jose Bello and his team for supporting us, the young people on the way of holiness for their disposition .. And to the ministry love in action for providing the food to give to families ... We must remember what the word of God teaches us


James 1:27  
"Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you." Let's continue praying for our country.

Please Pray for our young Leaders

Los llevo en mi corazón y mis oraciones. Encontré fotos de Ana, Romel y Maria Epifania. Todos los lideres de ministerio Amor en Acción son jóvenes diligentes, que están sirviendo al Señor con el fervor que el Espiritu Santo les da. Ro. 12:11. Es un tiempo muy critico para Nicaragua. Por favor sigan orando por las familias en Rancho Grande que están pasando por situaciones difíciles.
I have them in my heart and my prayers. I found pictures of Ana, Romel & Maria Epifania. They are taking their leadership with diligence and they are serving our Lord with fervor given by the Holy Spirit. The situation is fragile and it is critical. Please keep praying for the families in Rancho Grande they are going through difficult times.



PLEASE LETS INTERCEDE FOR NICARAGUA! They need our prayers. It is heart breaking what is happening there. Nicaragua clamamos a Dios por ti. Nos duele en el alma lo que esta pasando. En el nombre de Jesus oramos para que Dios ponga un alto al dolor, sufrimiento y muerte. Amen!


Evangelizing Brazil for Christ

Please Pray for Noemi, Reyna & Junior as they are traveling to Sao Paulo Brazil this very moment. They will be involved with Evangelizing Brazil for Christ. Both Reyna and Junior ate at the feeding center when they where children. Today Reyna is 19 and will be attending a Bible School next year in Argentina. Junior is 14 and has a heart for God.


Guardianes de la vision

God's amazing LOVE! These kids had a life-changing experience during the 10 days at the Camp for "Guardianes de la Vision" in the country of El Salvador. So many new incredible experiences. They have felt the hand of God in their lives and they received the Holy Spirit. They learn more about God´s word and also it was full of fun, games, prayer time, devotionals with great worship times. They will never forget this camp.

PTL! El Maravilloso Amor de Dios! Estos niños experimentaron un cambio sobrenatural en sus vidas durante los 10 dias en el Campamento de Guardianes de la Vision en el pais del Salvador. Preciosas experiencias que fueron nuevas para ellos. Sintieron el toque de la poderosa Mano de Dios en sus vidas y recibieron El Espiritu Santo. Tambien se gozaron con juegos, tiempo de oracion y ayuno, devocionles y tiempos de alabanza y adoracion a Dios. Ellos no olvidaran este campamento. Gloria a Dios!

Merry Christmas From Nicaragua

What a joy to celebrate Christmas with the precious families in Rancho Grande and Cerro Verde. It brought so much joy and gladness.
Que gozo es celebrar la Navidad con las preciosas familias en Rancho Grande y Cerro Verde. Se llenaron de gozo y alegria.


To take these children to the Camp in the country of El Salvador is engaging in war with the enemy of our souls. We are doing what is possible yet our mighty God is opening incredible doors an He is providing what we can not do it on our own. Thank God for Pastor Erick, Sudivey, Gessel, Reynita for bringing the mothers to do the legal permit. We faced the impossible as we hold on tight to "God's Grip"We have seen so many miracles and believing God for these "Guardines de la Fe" Keepers of the Faith. They will be flying for $162 round trip. The boder crossing is so difficult, but our God is awesome indeed.
Thank you Jenny C.,Ehren,Dr. Stahl, Tracey, and Randy. Believing God for 19 tickets, has being an incredible journey. My heart is overflowing with gratitude.
The Camp will be from the 23 to Dec. 3rd. Keep us in your prayers. PLEASE!


Certificate for best student of Agronomy in his University


I thank God with all my heart for Joel being a young man of God above all else. He is disciplined and seeks excellence. He received a certificate for being the best student of Agronomy in his University. Glory to God! And many good wishes to Joel. Keep moving forward. It is not easy but he is achieving. Next year he will graduate as an engineer.